Are you aware of what the term "deep vein thrombosis" means?

Saturday, March 2, 2013


So after a lot of debate I think I may have finally arrived at what I want to do for my project. The problem that I was having was wanting to take on too many different aspects related to this deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism. I think that I have to wrap my head around the idea that I can't solve the whole problem by myself in just one year. So here's what I'm thinking:

1. Based on the literature I have read so far, and will continue to search for, there is very little research and documentation about public knowledge related to dvt/pe. I want to create this research since it doesn't seem to exist. I'm thinking of using survey monkey and finding a way through the internet to reach as many people as possible. The survey would contain questions regarding:
-demographics, occupation, education level, etc.
-have you heard of dvt/pe?/what is it?
-if yes, can you identify any S/S?
-if yes, can you identify any risk factors?
-how do you obtain your health information?/how would you like to obtain it?

2, And next I would analyze the data and find out how many people actually don't know about the topic. (since this number really is unknown)

3. I'm thinking that the results of the survey would then be what drives the education campaign. It would show where the knowledge deficit is and also how people obtain their health info. (I can also look into other education campaigns that have been done and see if there would be a way to model mine.)

4. Some of the ideas related to the education campaign I would then like to implement include:
-PSA (possibly get it onto youtube)
-radio ads
-risk assessment app for phone
-short app for phone- quick dvt/pe facts or FAQs related to dvt/pe
-posters in airports/mention it the flight safety video/info in the packs on the back of the seat
-twitter pages (and find other people who have been affected by this topic to tweet at and spread the video/spread the word)
-and various other things/social medias 

I woke up yesterday morning with no idea what I was planning to do, but while sitting in the honors colloquium I started to write in my notebook. Four or five full pages into it this is what I came up with. I think this is a topic/issue that is going to become graduate work for me and for now I'm just beginning to delve into it. Clot prevention is a huge issue that has so many contributing factors, there is no simple solution. I think educating the public will allow people to be more aware of their health and also empower them to advocate for themselves. As nurses I think that education, empowerment, and advocacy are such important parts of what we do.  I also think that educating the public not only educates lay people but reinforces it to all healthcare workers since they are obviously going to be exposed to it as well. I think it's a good jumping off point to start with.

Any feedback? 


  1. Yes, yes, and yes! This is really focused and really doable and eventually, if you keep chipping away at it, you will be able to solve (or take the appropriate steps to help solve) this problem. Wicked good job!

    Also, I like how you're using the inter-web as a tool. I know it is rarely done in psychology, but I, for the heck of it, do not know why. The world wide web is such a useful tool for collecting data. Props! For using it in your study.

    Also, also, I like how you're thinking in the long term. That makes your research now seem even more important and meaningful.

    Also, also, also, I thought it was funny and cool how into your writing you were last class.

    keep up the good work, Kate.

  2. !
    So that's what you were scribbling on about. But anyway, I think it's great. I like how you're starting with the data collection. That's focused, manageable, necessary. And the data will help guide step two. I'm excited!
